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《精舞门》影评(一) 这是一群丑小鸭变成白天鹅的故事,这是古老东方升华西方街舞的传奇,这是一部舞蹈,功夫大片,强大的舞蹈阵容,超级明星演绎DD《精舞门》,给我们带来了视觉和精神上...第一篇:英语影评 When i looked at the film for a minute,I think I will cry after the film end.In fact ,this film has a lot of contradiction and confl...

⊙0⊙ 第1篇:电影英语影评第2篇:电影影评格式第3篇:电影影评格式第4篇:钢铁是怎样炼成的电影影评第5篇:新版老人与海电影影评第6篇:老人与海电影经典影评 篇1:电影英...英语专业必看经典英文电影名录 序号 电影名称 1 《音乐之声》Sound of Music 2 《阿甘正传》Forest Gump 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 《泰坦尼克号》Titanic 《窈窕淑女》My...

――阿甘正传英语影评 The female, a kind of role, is very essential in the film as it acts in the real society .As the Chinese saying goes, women hold up half the ...Actually,to be loyal to someone is easy is easy to say, but hard to do.To be loyal,you should never forget anyone that you loved. 英文电影影评 7 In the evening and his ...